Russian verbs used with the Accusative

The list of common Russian verbs often used with the Accusative case.

Some of the verbs take the Accusative case without any preposition, others require a preposition in front of the noun or a pronoun to be used with the Accusative case.

Please note that not all of the given examples illustrate the use of the Accusative case with the verbs.

Learn more about the Accusative case here.

предвеща́ть [pryed-vee-schát'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - предвести́ть

to forebode, to presage, to betoken, to foreshadow

  • Ничто́ не предвеща́ло беды́.

    neech-tó nye pryed-vee-schá-la bee-dý

    There were no signs of trouble.

  • Контра́кт предвеща́л партнёрам хоро́шие дивиде́нды.

    kant-rákt pryed-vee-schál part-nyó-ram ha-ró-shee-ye dee-vee-dyén-ty

    The contract foreshadowed good dividends for the partners.

хоте́ть [ha-tyét'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - захоте́ть

to want

  • Хо́чешь чего́-нибу́дь перекуси́ть?

    hó-cheesh chee-vó nee-bút' pee-ree-ku-séet'

    Do you want to have a bite?

  • Я хочу́ спать.

    ya ha-chú spat'

    I want to sleep.

прогу́ливать [pra-gu-lee-vat'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - прогуля́ть

to miss, to skip (classes or work)

  • Ваш сын постоя́нно прогу́ливает уро́ки.

    vash syn pa-sta-yán-na pra-gú-lee-va-eet u-ró-kee

    Your son constantly misses classes.

  • Он регуля́рно прогу́ливал рабо́ту и был уво́лен.

    on rye-gu-lyár-na pra-gú-lee-val ra-bó-tu ee byl u-vó-leen

    He regularly didn't come to work and was fired.

смотре́ть [smatryét'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - посмотре́ть

to look, to watch

  • Смотри́ сюда́.

    smat-rée syu-dá

    Look here.

  • Я уже́ смотре́ла э́то кино́.

    ya u-zhé smat-ryé-la é-ta kee-nó

    I watched this movie already.