Russian flashcards


Russian expressions

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Words in category: 72

This session: card #1 out of 10

по карма́ну
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па́дать ду́хом / упа́сть ду́хом
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to despond, to lose courage / heart
ну вот
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expresses disappointment, unpleasant surprise
не ахти́
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nothing special, so-so
ну ты даёшь
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expresses surprise with someone (lit. - wow you give)
то и де́ло
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every now and then, time and again, every so often
сбить с то́лку
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to confuse, to bewilder, to obfuscate, to mislead, to baffle, to muddle, to wrack one’s brains
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just about to, just on the point of, at any moment now
сла́бое звено́
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weak link
ска́жешь то́же
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~ you must be kidding! what are you talking about? not at all!


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