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Russian word of the day: Прогуливать

Feb 28, 2017 (see all)
[ pra-gu-lee-vat' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - прогуля́ть
to miss, to skip (classes or work)
Russian Pod 101


  • Ваш сын постоя́нно прогу́ливает уро́ки.

    vash syn pa-sta-yán-na pra-gú-lee-va-eet u-ró-kee

    Your son constantly misses classes.

  • Он регуля́рно прогу́ливал рабо́ту и был уво́лен.

    on rye-gu-lyár-na pra-gú-lee-val ra-bó-tu ee byl u-vó-leen

    He regularly didn't come to work and was fired.

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Same stem words

leave of absence, compensatory leave, overtime leave, day off
to walk, to stroll, to go for a walk/a stroll
to go for a walk, to walk, to stroll, to be outside

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