Russian declension

Now you can learn and practice declension of Russian nouns with us.

This tool will help you to find all the forms of a noun in different cases with stress marks.

At the moment we have declensions of 919 Russian words.

Start typing in Russian and you will be suggested the words we have that match your search.

If you are not familiar with the Russian declension rules, we recommend you to start with learning Russian cases.

Declension of the word "взятка"

Gender: feminine

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. взя́тка взя́тки
Genitive Gen. взя́тки взя́ток
Dative Dat. взя́тке взя́ткам
Accusative Acc. взя́тку взя́тки
Instrumental Inst. взя́ткой взя́тками
Prepositional Prep. взя́тке взя́тках


  • В Госду́му внесён законопрое́кт, кото́рый расширя́ет поня́тие взя́тки и по́дкупа в Уголо́вном ко́дексе.

    v gos-dú-mu vnee-syón za-ko-na-pra-ékt, ka-tó-ryî ras-shee-ryá-eet pa-nyá-tee-ye vzyát-kee ee pód-ku-pa v u-ga-lóv-nam kó-dek-sye

    The bill has been submitted to the State Duma, which expands the concept of bribery in the Criminal Code.

  • Поли́ция пойма́ла на взя́тке очередно́го чино́вника.

    pa-lée-tsee-ya paî-má-la na vzyát-kye a-chee-reed-nó-va chee-nóv-nee-ka

    The police caught another official at the bribe.

If you would like us to add some words to the tool, don't hesitate to drop us a message!

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4 thoughts on “Russian declension

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hello Hyeongil,

      Thanks for your feedback. I agree that for some words the number of examples is very limited.

      The way it works for the moment is that the examples for every word in this table are taken from the sentences for our series “Russian Word of the Day”. If the noun is often used, you can see many examples, if not, you will at least see two examples (given for the Word of the Day).

      I like the idea of adding more independant examples very much and already thought about it myself, but at the moment, unfortunately, we simply do not have enough time resources for that, so will have to postpone.

      A more consistant support of our readers could change that, by the way, but for now it is what it is.

      Having said that, I think we already can improve the user experience by displaying all the available examples right here on this page so you don’t have to click anywhere else to see them. I will add this to the TO-DO list and you can expect this in the nearest future.

      As for Everyday Russian, we are not planning to develop this site anymore and gradually moving the content from there to other websites of the network.

      In any case, thank you for the suggestion. If you have others, you are always welcome. 🙂

      • Hyeongil Yeon says:

        Dear “Learn Russian Words”,
        Thank you for your kind reply on my comment.
        I have studied the Russian language by myself around 6 months. It means that I am still beginner (CECR A1 Level) for the Russian.
        I faced one problem of cases endings first, it is very hard for me to memorize them properly. Please refer to the web,
        It is a kind of freaky and hectic. I’d like to solve this problems with the repeated drills of case declension with examples. I know that it will take time.
        One more thing, the pronunciations of case ending are not familiar with me, for example, declension of семья, with the stress changes.
        That’s the reason, I asked you to provide more examples and audios.
        Thanks again.

        • Learn Russian Words says:

          It’s an interesting method, makes total sense. Thanks for sharing.

          Hopefully with time we will be able to add more examples for each word. 🙂

          Thank you for your feedback 🙂

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