Intermediate Russian

When you are learning Russian or any other language, one of the things that separates you from beginner to intermediate and from intermediate to advanced is your vocabulary.

We dedicated Learn Russian Words to those who want to increase their Russian vocabulary and have more opportunities to practice.

Below, you can find the intermediate Russian vocabulary from our series Russian Word of the Day.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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крик [kreek] Noun, masculine

cry, shout, bawl; yell, scream; outcry, shouting, clamour

  • Послы́шался крик о по́мощи.

    pas-lý-shal-sya kreek a pó-ma-schee

    We heard (there was) a cry for help.

  • Она́ прислу́шивалась к кри́ку пролета́ющих птиц.

    a-ná prees-lú-shee-va-las' k krée-ku pra-lee-tá-yu-scheeh pteets

    She was listening to the cry of the flying by birds.

прихо́жая [pree-hó-zha-ya] Noun, feminine

hallway (the first room in a flat where people leave outdoor clothing, shoes, etc.)

  • Кварти́ра начина́лась с ма́ленькой, но ую́тной прихо́жей.

    kvar-tée-ra na-chee-ná-las' s má-leen'-kaî, no u-yút-naî pree-hó-zheî

    The apartment began with a small but cozy hallway.

  • Вы́ключи свет в прихо́жей!

    výk-lyu-chee svyet v pree-hó-zheî

    Turn off the lights in the hallway!

отмеча́ть [at-mee-chát'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - отме́тить

to celebrate; to commemorate; to mark, to check, to note

  • За́втра мои́ роди́тели отмеча́ют руби́новую сва́дьбу.

    záft-ra ma-ée ra-dée-tee-lee at-mee-chá-yut ru-bée-na-vu-yu svád'-bu

    Tomorrow my parents are celebrating a ruby wedding.

  • Где́ ты бу́дешь отмеча́ть свой день рожде́ния?

    gdye ty bú-deesh' at-mee-chát' svoî dyen' razh-dyé-nee-ya

    Where are you going to celebrate your birthday?

ра́ковина [rá-ka-vee-na] Noun, feminine


  • Ку́хонная ра́ковина опя́ть засори́лась.

    kú-han-na-ya rá-ka-vee-na a-pyát' za-sa-rée-las'

    The kitchen sink has clogged again.

  • Чи́стящее сре́дство под ра́ковиной на ку́хне.

    chées-tya-schye-ye sryét-stva pad rá-ka-vee-naî na kúh-nye

    The cleaning fluid is under the sink in the kitchen.

мо́лодость [mó-la-dast'] Noun, feminine


  • В мо́лодости он наде́лал мно́го оши́бок.

    v mó-la-das-tee on na-dyé-lal mnó-ga a-shée-bak

    In his youth, he made many mistakes.

  • Крем помога́ет сохрани́ть мо́лодость ко́жи лица́.

    kryem pa-ma-gá-eet sah-ta-néet' mó-la-dast' kó-zhee lee-tsá

    The cream helps to preserve the youth of the skin of the face.

умыва́ться [u-my-vá-tsa] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - умы́ться

to wash (one's face and hands)

  • Он привы́к умыва́ться холо́дной водо́й.

    on pree-výk u-my-vá-tsa ha-lód-naî va-dóî

    He is used to wash (his face in the morning) with cold water.

  • Ты сего́дня умыва́лся?

    ty see-vód-nya u-my-vál-sya

    Have you washed your face today?

хи́трый [héet-ryî] Adjective

sly, cunning; artful; intricate

  • Э́то де́ло не хи́трое.

    é-ta dyé-la nye héet-ra-ye

    This is very simple. (Lit. - This business is not tricky.)

  • На его́ лице́ мелькну́ла хи́трая улы́бка.

    na ye-vó lee-tsé meel'k-nú-la héet-ra-ya u-lýp-ka

    A sly smile flashed across his face.

подхо́д [pat-hót] Noun, masculine

approach; (in fitness) set of repetitions

  • Сде́лайте три подхо́да по 20 повто́ров.

    sdyé-laî-tye tree pat-hó-da pa dvá-tsat' paf-tó-raf

    Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

  • Подхо́д к реке́ перекры́т.

    pat-hót k ree-kyé pee-ree-krýt

    The approach to the river is blocked.

пра́здновать [prázd-na-vat'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - отпра́здновать

to celebrate

  • Я бу́ду пра́здновать день рожде́ния в семе́йном кругу́.

    ya bú-du prázd-na-vat' dyen' razh-dyé-nee-ya f see-myéî-nam kru-gú

    I will celebrate my birthday with my family (in family circle).

  • Су́дя по зву́кам, сосе́ди све́рху что́-то пра́зднуют.

    sú-dya pa zvú-kam, sa-syé-dee svyér-hu chto-ta prázd-nu-yut

    Judging by the sounds, the neighbors from above are celebrating something.

злой [zloî] Adjective

angry; wicked, evil; malicious, spiteful, mean

  • Осторо́жно, зла́я соба́ка!

    as-ta-rój-na, zlá-ya sa-bá-ka

    Be aware of the dog! (Lit. - Careful, angry dog!)

  • Почему́ ты всегда́ тако́й злой?

    pa-chee-mú ty fseeg-dá ta-kóî zloî

    Why are you always so angry?