Intermediate Russian

When you are learning Russian or any other language, one of the things that separates you from beginner to intermediate and from intermediate to advanced is your vocabulary.

We dedicated Learn Russian Words to those who want to increase their Russian vocabulary and have more opportunities to practice.

Below, you can find the intermediate Russian vocabulary from our series Russian Word of the Day.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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стук [stuk] Noun, masculine

knock, tap, clatter

  • Он вошёл без сту́ка.

    on va-shól byes stú-ka

    He entered without knocking.

  • Отку́да-то раздава́лся гро́мкий стук.

    at-kú-da-ta raz-da-vál-sya gróm-keei stuk

    A loud knocking was coming out from somewhere.

бле́дный [blyéd-nyi] Adjective

pale, pallid, insipid, colourless

  • У него́ бы́ло бле́дное лицо́.

    u neevó býla blyédnaye leetsó

    He had a pale face.

  • Его́ рабо́та вы́глядела бле́дно на фо́не остальны́х.

    ee-vó ra-bó-ta vý-glya-dye-la blyéd-na na fó-nye as-tal'-nýh

    His work looked insipid comparing to others.

бесце́нный [byes-tsén-nyi] Adjective


  • Мы приобрели́ бесце́нный о́пыт.

    my pree-ab-ree-lée bees-stén-nyi ópyt

    We have gained valuable experience.

  • Он подели́лся с на́ми свои́ми бесце́нными воспомина́ниями.

    on pa-dee-léel-sya s na-mee svaée-mee bees-tsén-ny-mee vas-pa-mee-ná-nee-ya-mee

    He shared with us their priceless memories.

наро́чно [na-róch-na] Adverb


  • Ты наро́чно э́то де́лаешь?

    ty na-róch-na é-ta dyé-la-eesh

    Are you doing it on purpose?

  • Извини́те, я не наро́чно.

    eez-vee-née-tee, ya nee na-róch-na

    Sorry, I didn't mean to.