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Russian word of the day: Подход

Mar 14, 2019 (see all)
[ pat-hót ]
Noun , masculine
approach; (in fitness) set of repetitions


  • Сде́лайте три подхо́да по 20 повто́ров.

    sdyé-laî-tye tree pat-hó-da pa dvá-tsat' paf-tó-raf

    Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

  • Подхо́д к реке́ перекры́т.

    pat-hót k ree-kyé pee-ree-krýt

    The approach to the river is blocked.

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Declension of the word подход

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. подхо́д подхо́ды
Genitive Gen. подхо́да подхо́дов
Dative Dat. подхо́ду подхо́дам
Accusative Acc. подхо́д подхо́ды
Instrumental Inst. подхо́дом подхо́дами
Prepositional Prep. подхо́де подхо́дах

Same stem words

to enter, to go into, to come in, to get in; to be a part of, to be a member of, to be included in
to pass / go / walk (by / through / over / along); to be held; to be over; to go off
прихо́жая [pree-hó-zha-ya] Noun , feminine
hallway (the first room in a flat where people leave outdoor clothing, shoes, etc.)
to walk, to go
to walk away, to leave

Additional examples

  • Основна́я иде́я их подхо́да к обуче́нию в том, что́бы де́ти не про́сто зубри́ли информа́цию, а испо́льзовали полу́ченные зна́ния на пра́ктике.

    as-nav-ná-ya ee-dýe-ya eeh pad-hó-da k a-bu-chyé-nee-yu v tom, chtó-by dyé-tee nye prós-ta zub-rée-lee een-far-má-tsee-yu, a ees-pól'-za-va-lee pa-lú-cheen-ny-ye zná-nee-ya na prák-tee-kye

    The main idea of their approach to learning is that children not just cram the information, but use the knowledge they acquire in practice.

  • Что́бы трениро́вка не каза́лась однообра́зной, мо́жно заменя́ть упражне́ния, коли́чество повто́ров и́ли подхо́дов.

    chtó-by tree-nee-róf-ka nye ka-zá-las' ad-na-ab-ráz-naî, mózh-na za-mee-nyát' up-razh-nyé-nee-ya, ka-lée-cheest-va paf-tó-raf ée-lee pat-hó-daf

    So that the training does not seem monotonous, you can replace the exercises, the number of repetitions or sets.

Russian lesson of the day

Russian Lesson of the Day allows you to practice the vocabulary you learn with us using the method of spaced repetitions.

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