Intermediate Russian

When you are learning Russian or any other language, one of the things that separates you from beginner to intermediate and from intermediate to advanced is your vocabulary.

We dedicated Learn Russian Words to those who want to increase their Russian vocabulary and have more opportunities to practice.

Below, you can find the intermediate Russian vocabulary from our series Russian Word of the Day.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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покорми́ть [pa-kar-méet'] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - корми́ть

to feed

  • Не забу́дь покорми́ть ры́бок!

    nye za-bút' pa-kar-méet' rý-bak

    Do not forget to feed the fish!

  • Покорми́ дете́й и уложи́ их спать.

    pa-kar-mée dee-tyéî ee u-la-zhée eeh spat'

    Feed the kids and put them to sleep.

руль [rul'] Noun, masculine

steering wheel

  • За рулём дорого́й маши́ны сиде́ла седа́я стару́шка.

    za ru-lyóm da-ra-góî ma-shée-ny see-dyé-la see-dá-ya sa-rúsh-ka

    A gray-haired old woman was driving (was at the steering wheel of) an expensive car.

  • Поверни́ руль впра́во.

    pa-veer-née rul' fprá-va

    Turn the steering wheel to the right.

промо́кнуть [pra-mók-nut'] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - мо́кнуть

to let water through, to get wet / soaked

  • Како́й дождь сего́дня, я вся промо́кла!

    ka-kóî dozhd' see-vód-nya, ya fsya pra-mók-la

    What a rain today, I got all wet!

  • У меня́ промо́кли но́ги.

    u mee-nyá pra-mók-lee nó-gee

    My feet got wet.

ке́ды [kyé-dy] Noun, plural

keds, plimsolls, gym-shoes, trainers

  • Он обожа́ет ке́ды и но́сит их да́же с деловы́м костю́мом.

    on a-ba-zhá-eet kyé-dy ee nó-eet eeh dá-zhe c dee-la-vým kas-tyú-mam

    He loves keds and wears them even with a business suit.

  • Профе́ссор пришёл в трениро́вочном костю́ме и в ке́дах.

    pra-fyé-sar pree-shól f tree-nee ró-vach-nam kas-tyú-mye ee kyé-dah

    The professor came in a tracksuit and trainers.

одолжи́ть [a-dal-zhéet'] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - ода́лживать

to lend

  • Ты не одолжи́шь мне ру́чку на мину́тку?

    ty nye a-dal-zhéesh' mnye rúch-ku na mee-nút-ku

    Can you lend me your pen for a minute?

  • Ты не мог бы одолжи́ть мне немно́го де́нег?

    ty nye mok by a-dal-zhéet' mnye nee-mnó-ga dyé-nyek?

    Сould you lend me some money?

то и де́ло [to ee dyé-la] Phrase

every now and then, time and again, every so often

  • Она́ то и де́ло поправля́ла очки́.

    a-ná to ee dyé-la pa-pra-vlyá-la ach-kée

    Every now and then she adjusted her glasses.

  • После́дние па́ру неде́ль мы то и де́ло натыка́лись друг на дру́га.

    pas-lyéd-nee-ye pá-ru nee-dyél' my to ee dyé-la na-ty-ká-lees' druk na drú-ga

    During the last couple of weeks, we constantly stumbled upon each other.

хоровод [ha-ra-vót] Noun, masculine

khorovod (round dance)

  • Хорово́д - дре́вний кругово́й та́нец восто́чных славя́н.

    ha-ra-vót - dryév-neeî kru-ga-vóî tá-neets vas-tóch-nyh sla-vyán

    Khorovod is the ancient circular dance of the Eastern Slavs.

  • В хорово́де всегда́ проявля́ется чу́вство едине́ния и дру́жбы.

    f ha-ra-vó-dye fseeg-dá pra-eev-lyá-ee-tsa chúst-va ye-dee-nyé-nee-ya ee drúzh-by

    In khorovod, there is always a sense of unity and friendship.

призна́ться [pree-zná-tsa] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - признава́ться

to confess, to admit

  • Он призна́лся ей в любви́.

    on preez-nál-sya yeî v lyub-vée

    He declared his feelings to her (he confessed her that he loves her).

  • Он мне во всём призна́лся.

    on mnye va fsyom preez-nál-sya

    He confessed everything to me.

прико́льно [pree-kól'-na] Adverb

cool, nice, fun, funny, interesting

  • Мы прико́льно отдохну́ли на да́че.

    my pree-kól'-na at-dah-nú-lee na dá-chye

    We had a good time at the dacha.

  • Бы́ло бы прико́льно прокати́ться на вертолёте.

    bý-la by pree-kól'-na pra-ka-tée-tsa na veer-ta-lyó-tye

    It would be fun to be flown in a helicopter.

убо́рка [u-bór-ka] Noun, feminine

tidying up, cleaning, doing up

  • Здесь давно́ пора́ сде́лать убо́рку.

    zdyes' dav-nó pa-rá sdyé-lat' u-bór-ku

    It's high time to do the cleaning here.

  • Убо́рка ко́мнаты заняла́ о́коло ча́са.

    u-bór-ka kóm-na-ty za-nee-lá ó-ka-la chá-sa

    The room cleaning took about an hour.