Survival Russian

In the section “Survival Russian” we gathered the basics of the Russian vocabulary for those who is just starting to learn Russian.

Survival Russian vocabulary will help you to remove the first bricks from your language barrier.

Here you can find most essential Russian words and phrases: how to say yes, no, hello, goodbye and thank you in Russian, and other.

If you already know all these basic Russian words, we recommend you to switch to the section Russian words for beginners.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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хорошо́ [ha-ra-shó] Adverb

good, well

  • Хорошо́ у вас, ую́тно.

    ha-ra-shó u vas, u-yút-na

    It feels good at your place, cozy.

  • В магази́н зашёл хорошо́ оде́тый мужчи́на.

    v ma-ga-zéen za-shól ha-ra-shó a-dyé-tyî mu-schée-na

    A well-dressed man entered the shop.

свобо́дно [sva-bód-na] Adverb

vacant, free, freely; loose, loosely

  • Извини́те, э́то ме́сто свобо́дно?

    eez-vee-née-tee, é-ta myés-ta sva-bód-na

    Excuse me, is this place free?

  • Э́то пла́тье сиди́т дово́льно свобо́дно.

    é-ta plát'-ye see-déet da-vól'-na sva-bód-na

    This dress sits quite loosely.

за́нято [zá-nee-ta] Adverb

busy, occupied

  • Я позвони́л, но там бы́ло за́нято.

    ya paz-va-néel, no tam bý-la zá-nee-ta

    I called, but the line was busy.

  • Прости́те, здесь не за́нято?

    pras-tée-tee, zdyes' nye zá-nee-ta

    Excuse me, is this place taken (occupied)?

мо́жно [mózh-na] Adverb

allowed, one can

  • Мо́жно войти́?

    mózh-na vai-tée

    Can I come in?

  • Хо́лодно здесь, так и заболе́ть мо́жно.

    hó-lad-na zdyes', tak ee za-ba-lyét' mózh-na

    It's cold here, one can get sick like that.

нельзя́ [neel'-zyá] Predicate noun

not allowed, one cannot, one should not

  • Сюда́ нельзя́ посторо́нним.

    syu-dá neel'-zya pas-ta-rón-neem

    Strangers are not allowed here.

  • Нельзя́ так с людьми́ обраща́ться.

    neel'-zyá tak s lyud'-mée ab-ra-schá-tsa

    You can not treat people like that.

ско́лько [skól'-ka] Pronoun, interrogative

how many, how much

  • Ско́лько э́то сто́ит?

    skól'-ka é-ta stó-eet

    How much does it cost?

  • Во ско́лько тебе́ э́то обошло́сь?

    va skól'-ka tee-byé é-ta a-bash-lós'

    How much did it cost you?