Advanced Russian

Boost your Russian to a new level with the advanced Russian words and phrases!

We created Learn Russian Words to those who want to increase their Russian vocabulary and have more opportunities to practice.

Below, we have gathered all the advanced Russian words from our series Russian Word of the Day.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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ну на́до же [nu ná-da zhe] Phrase, variation - "надо же"

expresses surprise (~oh, oh dear, my goodness)

  • Ну на́до же, как получи́лось.

    nu ná-da zhe, kak pa-lu-chée-las'

    Wow, how the things turned out.

  • Ну на́до же, как бы́стро бежит вре́мя!

    nu ná-da zhe, kak býst-ra bee-zhée-t vryé-mya

    My goodness, how fast the time flies!

засо́ня [za-só-nya] Noun, masculine or feminine


  • Встава́й, засо́ня, в шко́лу проспи́шь!

    fsta-vái za-só-nya, f shkó-lu pras-péesh

    Wake up, sleepyhead, you'll oversleep the school!

  • Буди́ его́, а то э́тот засо́ня мо́жет спать до полудня.

    bu-dée ee-vó, a to é-tat za-só-nya mó-zheet spat' da pa-lúd-nya

    Wake him up, or this sleepyhead can sleep until noon.

грязну́ля [greez-nú-lya] Noun, masculine or feminine

dirty one

  • Ты где так испа́чкался, грязну́ля?

    ty gdye tak ees-pách-kal-sya, greez-nú-lya

    Where did you get so dirty, dirty creature?

  • Посмотри́ на себя́, како́й ты грязну́ля!

    pas-mat-rée na see-byá, ka-kói ty greez-nú-lya

    Look at yourself, what a dirty creature you are!

блиста́тельный [blees-tá-teel'-nyi] Adjective

brilliant, splendid, magnificent

  • Чемпиона́т ми́ра заверши́лся блиста́тельным успе́хом на́ших спортсме́нов.

    chem-pee-o-nát mée-ra za-veer-shéel-sya blees-tá-teel'-nym us-pyé-hom ná-sheeh sparts-myé-nof

    World Cup ended with the brilliant success of our athletes.

  • Его́ блиста́тельная карье́ра начала́сь в 1974-м году.

    ee-vó blees-tá-teel'-na-ya kar'-yé-ra na-cha-lás' f 1974 ga-dú

    His brilliant career began in 1974.

копу́ша [ka-pú-sha] Noun, masculine or feminine

slowpoke, dawdler

  • Ну ты и копу́ша!

    nu ty ee ka-pú-sha

    You are such a slowpoke!

  • И́з-за тебя́, копу́ша, мы опозда́ем на по́езд!

    eez-za tee-byá, ka-pú-sha, my a-paz-dá-eem na pó-eest

    Because of you, slowpoke, we'll be late for the train!

предвеща́ть [pryed-vee-schát'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - предвести́ть

to forebode, to presage, to betoken, to foreshadow

  • Ничто́ не предвеща́ло беды́.

    neech-tó nye pryed-vee-schá-la bee-dý

    There were no signs of trouble.

  • Контра́кт предвеща́л партнёрам хоро́шие дивиде́нды.

    kant-rákt pryed-vee-schál part-nyó-ram ha-ró-shee-ye dee-vee-dyén-ty

    The contract foreshadowed good dividends for the partners.