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"Slowpoke" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Mar 08, 2017 (see all)
[ ka-pú-sha ]
Noun , masculine or feminine
slowpoke, dawdler

Examples of "Slowpoke" in Russian

  • Ну ты и копу́ша!

    nu ty ee ka-pú-sha

    You are such a slowpoke!

  • И́з-за тебя́, копу́ша, мы опозда́ем на по́езд!

    eez-za tee-byá, ka-pú-sha, my a-paz-dá-eem na pó-eest

    Because of you, slowpoke, we'll be late for the train!

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Declension of the word копуша

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. копу́ша копу́ши
Genitive Gen. копу́ши копу́ш
Dative Dat. копу́ше копу́шам
Accusative Acc. копу́шу копу́ш
Instrumental Inst. копу́шей копу́шами
Prepositional Prep. копу́ше копу́шах

Same stem words

копи́лка [ka-péel-ka] Noun , feminine
piggy bank, money box

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