Nature in Russian - Page 4

Learn Russian vocabulary related to nature: natural phenomena, places of our planet, names of animals and plants, as so on.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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волна́ [val-ná] Noun, feminine


  • Сего́дня на мо́ре больши́е во́лны.

    see-vód-nya na mó-rye bal'-shee-ye vól-ny

    Today, there are big waves in the sea.

  • Страну́ захлестну́ла волна́ проте́стов.

    stra-nú zah-leest-nú-la val-ná pra-tyés-taf

    A wave of protests swept the country.

не́бо [nyé-ba] Noun, neuter


  • Како́е сего́дня не́бо голубо́е!

    ka-kó-ye see-vód-nya nyé-ba ga-lu-bó-ye

    How blue is the sky today!

  • Она́ была́ на седьмо́м не́бе от сча́стья.

    a-ná by-lá na seed'-móm nyé-bye at schást'-ya

    She was in seventh heaven from happiness.

о́блако [ób-la-ka] Noun, neuter


  • Не́бо затяну́ло облака́ми.

    nyé-ba za-tee-nú-la ab-la-ká-mee

    The sky got cloudy.

  • Смотри́, э́то о́блако похо́же на драко́на!

    smat-rée, é-ta ób-la-ka pa-hó-zhe na dra-kó-na

    Look, this cloud looks like a dragon!

лист [leest] Noun, masculine

sheet; leaf

  • О́сенью с дере́вьев опада́ют листья.

    ó-seen'-yu s dee-ryév'-yef a-pa-dá-yut léest'-ya

    In autumn, leaves fall from the trees.

  • Я поре́залась листо́м бума́ги.

    ya pa-ryé-za-las' lees-tóm bu-má-gee

    I cut myself with a piece of paper.