Hobbies and Activities Russian vocabulary - Page 4

Russian vocabulary of hobbies and activities.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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са́нки [sán-kee] Noun, plural


  • Де́ти и их роди́тели пришли́ ката́ться с го́рки на са́нках.

    dyé-tee ee eeh ra-dée-tee-lee preesh-lée ka-tá-tsa s gór-kee na sán-kah

    Children and their parents came slide the hill on the sled.

  • Зимо́й па́па обы́чно вози́л нас в са́дик на са́нках.

    zee-móî pá-pa a-bých-na va-zéel nas v sá-deek na sán-kah

    In the winter, dad usually took us to the kindergarten on a sled.

игра́ть [eeg-rát'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - поигра́ть, сыгра́ть

to play

  • Де́ти игра́ли в песо́чнице.

    dyé-tee eeg-rá-lee v pee-sóch-nee-tse

    Children were playing in the sandbox.

  • Она́ уме́ет игра́ть на четырёх музыка́льных инструме́нтах.

    a-ná u-myé-eet eeg-rát' na chee-ty-ryóh mu-zy-kál'-nyh eenst-ru-myén-tah

    She can play four musical instruments.

гуля́ть [gu-lyát'] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - погуля́ть

to go for a walk, to walk, to stroll, to be outside

  • Пойдём гуля́ть?

    pai-dyóm gu-lyát'

    Let's go for a walk?

  • Де́ти гуля́ют на у́лице.

    dyé-tee gu-lyá-yut na ú-lee-tse

    The kids are (playing / having time) outside.