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How to say 

"Sled" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jan 25, 2018 (see all)
[ sán-kee ]
Noun , plural

Morphemic analysis

root: сан
suffix: к
ending: и


сани - sled (originally "skates", "snake")
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Sled" in Russian

  • Де́ти и их роди́тели пришли́ ката́ться с го́рки на са́нках.

    dyé-tee ee eeh ra-dée-tee-lee preesh-lée ka-tá-tsa s gór-kee na sán-kah

    Children and their parents came slide the hill on the sled.

  • Зимо́й па́па обы́чно вози́л нас в са́дик на са́нках.

    zee-móî pá-pa a-bých-na va-zéel nas v sá-deek na sán-kah

    In the winter, dad usually took us to the kindergarten on a sled.

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Declension of the word санки

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. са́нки
Genitive Gen. са́нок
Dative Dat. са́нкам
Accusative Acc. са́нки
Instrumental Inst. са́нками
Prepositional Prep. са́нках

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