Intermediate Russian

When you are learning Russian or any other language, one of the things that separates you from beginner to intermediate and from intermediate to advanced is your vocabulary.

We dedicated Learn Russian Words to those who want to increase their Russian vocabulary and have more opportunities to practice.

Below, you can find the intermediate Russian vocabulary from our series Russian Word of the Day.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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ступня́ [stup-nyá] Noun, feminine

foot, sole

  • Я чуть не проколо́ла ступню́ э́тим гвоздём.

    ya chut' nye pra-ka-ló-la stup-nyú é-teem gvaz-dyóm

    I almost pierced my foot with this nail.

  • Я уда́рилась ступнёй о ка́мень.

    ya u-dá-ree-las' stup-nyóî a ká-meen'

    I hit my foot against the stone.

вы́играть [vý-eeg-rat'] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - выи́грывать

to win

  • Он вы́играл у меня́ в ша́шки.

    on vý-eeg-ral u mee-nyá f shásh-kee

    He has beaten me in checkers.

  • На́ша кома́нда вы́играла соревнова́ния.

    ná-sha ka-mán-da vý-eeg-ra-la sa-reev-na-vá-nee-ya

    Our team won the competition.

поню́хать [pa-nyú-hat'] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - ню́хать

to smell, to sniff, to scent

  • Поню́хай э́то, чем па́хнет?

    pa-nyú-haî é-ta, chyem páh-nyet

    Smell this, what does it smell like?

  • Соба́ка поню́хала оде́жду.

    sa-bá-ka pa-nyú-ha-la a-dyézh-du

    The dog smelled the clothes.

мо́лча [mól-cha] Adverb

silently, in silence, without a word

  • Они́ мо́лча смотре́ли друг на дру́га.

    a-née mól-cha smat-ryé-lee druk na drú-ga

    They were looking at each other in silence.

  • Он мо́лча встал и вы́шел из ко́мнаты.

    on mól-cha fstal ee vý-shel eez kóm-na-ty

    He stood up in silence and left the room.

помири́ться [pa-mee-rée-tsa] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - мири́ться

to make it up, to make peace, to become reconciled

  • А мы уже́ помири́лись.

    a my u-zhé pa-mee-rée-lees'

    We have already made up.

  • Дава́йте помири́мся.

    da-váî-tye pa-mée-reem-sya

    Let's make it up.

серди́ться [seer-dée-tsa] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - рассерди́ться

to be angry

  • Не серди́сь, я всё испра́влю!

    nye seer-dées', ya fsyo ees-práv-lyu

    Don't be angry, I'll fix everything!

  • На кого́ ты се́рдишься?

    na ka-vó ty syér-deesh-sya

    Who are you angry with?

мири́ться [mee-rée-tsa] Verb, imperfective. Perfective - помири́ться

to make it up, to make peace, to become reconciled; to accept, to bear with

  • Они́ ссо́рились и мири́лись по семь раз на дню.

    a-née ssó-ree-lees' ee mee-rée-lees' pa syem' raz na dnyu

    They quarreled and reconciled seven times a day.

  • Он не привы́к мири́ться с неуда́чами.

    on nye pree-výk mee-rée-tsa s nye-u-dá-cha-mee

    He is not used to accept failures.

приме́рочная [pree-myé-rach-na-ya] Noun, feminine


  • Где у вас приме́рочная?

    gdye u vas pree-myé-rach-na-ya

    Where do you have a fitting-room?

  • Я нашла́ чей-то телефо́н в одно́й из приме́рочных.

    ya nash-lá chyéî-ta tee-lee-fón v ad-nóî eez pree-myé-rach-nyh

    I found someone's phone in one of the fitting-rooms.

подъе́зд [pad-yézd] Noun, masculine

entrance to the building, porch, staircase

  • Э́то на́ша сосе́дка по подъе́зду.

    é-ta ná-sha sa-syét-ka pa pad-yéz-du

    This is our neighbor in the porch.

  • Я живу́ вон в том до́ме, во второ́м подъе́зде.

    ya zhee-vú von v tom dó-mye va fta-róm pad-yéz-dye

    I live in that building, the second entrance.

ресни́ца [rees-née-tsa] Noun, feminine


  • При таки́х ресни́цах тебе́ не ну́жен макияж.

    pree ta-kéeh rees-née-tsah tee-byé nye nú-zhen ma-kee-yázh

    With eyelashes like that you do not need makeup.

  • Мне ресни́ца в глаз попа́ла.

    mnye rees-née-tsa v glaz pa-pá-la

    I got an eyelash in my eye.