Russian nouns in plural

духи́ [du-hée] Noun , plural
perfume, scent
су́мерки [sú-meer-kee] Noun , plural
twilight, dusk, nightfall
нрав [nrav] Noun , plural
disposition, temper, temperament; (plural) customs, morals, manners; не по нра́ву: not to liking
морепроду́кты [ma-ree-pra-dúk-ty] Noun , plural
молодожёны [ma-la-da-zhó-ny] Noun , plural
newly wedded / married couple
соле́нья [sa-lyén'-ya] Noun , plural
pickles, conserved vegetables
весы́ [vee-sý] Noun , plural
scales, balance
пассати́жи [pa-sa-tée-zhee] Noun , plural
combination pliers
но́жницы [nózh-nee-tsy] Noun , plural
плоскогу́бцы [plas-ka-gúp-tsy] Noun , plural
flat pliers
брюки [bryú-kee] Noun , plural
trousers; pants
проклю́нуться [pra-klyú-nu-tsa] Verb , plural
to hatch; (about plants) to sprout
штаны́ [shta-ný] Noun , plural
pants, trousers, breeches, slacks
ту́фли [túf-lee] Noun , plural , singular: ту́фля
кара́кули [ka-rá-ku-lee] Noun , plural
scrawl, scribble
дрова́ [dra-vá] Noun , plural
часы́ [chee-sý] Noun , plural
watch, clock
бу́дни [búd-nee] Noun , plural
weekdays, working days
роди́тели [ra-dée-tee-lee] Noun , plural , singular - роди́тель
мура́шки [mu-rásh-kee] Noun , plural
чи́псы [chéep-sy] Noun , plural
(potato) chips
ро́лики [ró-lee-kee] Noun , plural
roller skates
усы́ [u-sý] Noun , plural
moustache; whiskers
нау́шники [na-úsh-nee-kee] Noun , plural
headphones, earphones
ке́ды [kyé-dy] Noun , plural
keds, plimsolls, gym-shoes, trainers
новобра́чные [na-va-brách-ny-ye] Noun , plural
newly-weds, newly-married
ко́рточки [kór-tach-kee] Noun , plural , used only in combinations
position of squatting/crouching
чаевы́е [cha-ee-vý-ye] Noun , plural
tips (in a restaurant, cafe, etc.), gratuity
де́ти [dyé-tee] Noun , plural , singular - дитя́ (rarely used), ребёнок
children, kids