Food in Russian - Page 4

Learn the names of different foods in Russian, as well as the names of popular Russian dishes and drinks.

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щи [schee] Noun, plural

cabbage soup, sauerkraut soup

  • Щи – э́то национа́льное ру́сское блю́до.

    schee é-ta na-tsee-a-nál'-na-ye rús-ka-ye blyú-da

    Cabbage soup is a national Russian dish.

  • Пригото́вить щи мо́жно из све́жей и́ли ква́шеной капу́сты.

    pree-ga-tó-veet' schee mózh-na eez svyé-zheî ée-lee kvá-she-naî ka-pús-ty

    Schee can be cooked from fresh cabbage or sauerkraut.

бутербро́д [bu-teer-brót] Noun, masculine

sandwich, bread with something on top

  • Я взяла́ с собо́й па́ру бутербро́дов.

    ya vzya-lá s sa-bói pá-ru bu-teer-bró-daf

    I took a couple of sandwiches with me.

  • Всё бы отда́л за бутербро́д с колбасо́й сейча́с!

    vsyó by at-dál za bu-teer-bród s kal-ba-sói seei-chás

    I would give everything for a piece of bread with sausage now!