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Russian word of the day: Щи

Oct 04, 2017 (see all)
[ schee ]
Noun , plural
cabbage soup, sauerkraut soup
Russian Pod 101


  • Щи – э́то национа́льное ру́сское блю́до.

    schee é-ta na-tsee-a-nál'-na-ye rús-ka-ye blyú-da

    Cabbage soup is a national Russian dish.

  • Пригото́вить щи мо́жно из све́жей и́ли ква́шеной капу́сты.

    pree-ga-tó-veet' schee mózh-na eez svyé-zheî ée-lee kvá-she-naî ka-pús-ty

    Schee can be cooked from fresh cabbage or sauerkraut.

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Declension of the word щи

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. щи
Genitive Gen. щей
Dative Dat. щам
Accusative Acc. щи
Instrumental Inst. ща́ми
Prepositional Prep. щах

Additional examples

  • Я обожа́ю ки́слые щи.

    ya a-ba-zhá-yu kées-ly-ye schee

    I love sauerkraut soup.

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