Travel Russian vocabulary - Page 3

Travel Russian vocabulary.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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авто́бус [av-tó-bus] Noun, masculine


  • Вы не подска́жете, где остана́вливается 82-й авто́бус?

    vy nye pad-ská-zhee-tye, gdye as-ta-náv-lee-va-ee-tsa vó-seem-dee-syat vta-róî av-tó-bus

    Could you tell please me where the 82d bus stops?

  • От метро́ до вы́ставочного це́нтра хо́дит беспла́тный авто́бус.

    at meet-ró da výs-ta-vach-na-va tsént-ra hó-deet bees-plát-nyî av-tó-bus

    There is a free shuttle bus that goes from the metro to the exhibition center.

грани́ца [gra-née-tsa] Noun, feminine

border, limit, boundary

  • Он уе́хал рабо́тать за грани́цу.

    on u-yé-hal ra-bó-tat' za gra-née-tsu

    He left to work abroad.

  • Э́то перехо́дит все грани́цы.

    é-ta pee-ree-hó-deet fsye gra-née-tsy

    It goes beyond all limits!