Russian adjectives

good, solid, sound, good-quality
вели́чественный [vee-lée-cheest-veen-nyî] Adjective
majestic, grand, stately, sublime, lofty, imposing
стари́нный [sta-réen-nyÎ] Adjective
ancient, antique, age-old; longstanding; old-fashioned
це́лый [tsé-lyî] Adjective
whole, total; intact, unhurt; integral, undivided
трудоёмкий [tru-da-yóm-keeî] Adjective
labour-intensive, laborious
самостоя́тельный [sa-ma-sta-yá-teel'-nyî] Adjective
independent, autonomous, self-dependent, self-consistent, self-sustained
опря́тный [ap-ryát-nyî] Adjective
neat, tidy, clean
шика́рный [shee-kár-nyî] Adjective
chic, smart; fine, splendid, grand, magnificent, classy, snazzy
однообра́зный [ad-na-ab-ráz-nyî] Adjective
monotonous, uniform, conformed
целеустремлённый [tse-lee-ust-reem-lyón-nyî] Adjective
purposeful, firm of purpose, goal-seeking
успе́шный [us-pyésh-nyî] Adjective
постоя́нный [pas-ta-yán-nyî] Adjective
constant, permanent; continual, continuous; steady; direct
неисправи́мый [nee-ees-pra-vée-myî] Adjective
incorrigible, irredeemable, unamendable, unimprovable
заве́тный [za-vyét-nyî] Adjective
fond, lifelong; cherished; intimate; dear, precious; hidden, secret; sacred
неожи́данный [nee-a-zhée-dan-nyî] Adjective
unexpected, surprising, unsuspected
свято́й [svyá-tóî] Adjective
holy, saint, sacred
многозначи́тельный [mna-ga-zna-chée-teel'-nyî] Adjective
significant, meaningful, telling, expressive, full of suggestion
роско́шный [ras-kósh-nyî] Adjective
luxurious, luxuriant, exuberant, magnificent, splendid, sumptuous
искромётный [ees-kra-myót-nyî] Adjective
effervescent, lambent, sparkling
заду́мчивый [za-dúm-chee-vyî] Adjective
thoughtful, pensive, meditative
живопи́сный [zhee-va-pées-nyî] Adjective
picturesque, scenic, vivid
увлека́тельный [uv-lee-ká-teel'-nyî] Adjective
fascinating, absorbing, captivating
спе́лый [spyé-lyî] Adjective
те́рпкий [tyérp-keeî] Adjective
astringent, tart
любе́зный [lyu-byéz-nyî] Adjective
courteous, polite, obliging; kind, amiable
со́чный [sóch-nyî] Adjective
juicy, sappy, succulent; rich, lush
колю́чий [ka-lyú-cheeî] Adjective
thorny, spiny; prickly; biting, cutting
доброду́шный [dab-ra-dúsh-nyî] Adjective
good-natured, bonhomous, genial, good-humoured; well-disposed; well-natured
ми́лый [mée-lyî] Adjective
nice, lovely, sweet, cute; dear, darling, sweetheart, honey