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"To write down" in Russian

Russian word of the day | May 17, 2022 (see all)
[ za-pée-sy-vat' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - записа́ть
to write down, to record, to take notes

Morphemic analysis

prefix: за
root: пис
suffix: ыва
ending: ть
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "To write down" in Russian

  • Он внима́тельно слу́шал, периоди́чески запи́сывая что́-то в блокно́т.

    on vnee-má-teel'-na slú-shal, pee-ree-a-dée-chees-kee za-pée-sy-va-ya chto-ta v blak-nót

    He listened attentively, from time to time writing down something in a notebook.

  • Приложе́ние запи́сывает IP а́дрес а́втора ка́ждого сообще́ния.

    pree-la-zhé-nee-ye za-pée-sy-va-eet aî-pee ád-rees áf-ta-ra kázh-da-va sa-ap-schyé-nee-ya

    The application records the IP address of the author of each message.

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Same stem words

по́дпись [pót-pees'] Noun , feminine
to sign; to register one's marriage
to write
to write
to copy off, to crib

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