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Russian word of the day: Написать

Feb 18, 2020 (see all)
[ na-pee-sát' ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative, Dative
Imperfective - писа́ть (see below)
to write

The imperfective aspect

to write


  • Кни́га, кото́рую он написа́л, ста́ла бестсе́ллером в счи́танные дни.

    knée-ga, ka-tó-ru-yu on na-pee-sál, stá-la byes-sél-lee-ram f schée-tan-ny-ye dnee

    The book he wrote became a bestseller in a matter of days.

  • Напиши́ мне, е́сли переду́маешь.

    na-pee-shée mnye, yés-lee pee-ree-dú-ma-eesh

    Text me (write me) if you change your mind.

Same stem words

to write down, to record, to take notes
по́дпись [pót-pees'] Noun , feminine
to sign; to register one's marriage
to copy off, to crib

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