15 ways to say “amazing” in Russian

Jan 24, 2021 | Russian audio vocabulary

How many synonyms of “amazing” do you know in English?

What about Russian? How many ways to say “amazing” in Russian do you know?

Today, we gathered for you 15 Russian adjectives that can be translated as “amazing” or describe something amazing.

Click on a word to open a page with examples.

At the end of the page, you can find a link to practice all these words with flashcards.

stunning, astounding
indelible, ineffaceable
впечатля́ющий [fpeecheetlyáyuscheeî] Adjective
unmatched, incomparable, inimitable
unreal, of fairy tale, magical; fabulous, fantastic, improbable
delightful, admirable, heavenly, lovely, exquisite, delicious, glorious
чуде́сный [chudyésnyî] Adjective
wonderful, miraculous, lovely, beautiful, marvellous
magnificent, splendid, gorgeous, excellent
brilliant, splendid, magnificent
(slang) unbelievable, astounding, mind-blowing
surprising, astonishing, striking, amazing, strange, wonderful
stunning, startling, striking
striking, amazing, startling, staggering
wonderful, remarkable, great, outstanding, marvellous
amazing, astounding, astonishing; wonderful, marvellous

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