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How to say 

"Free" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Apr 30, 2018 (see all)
[ bees-plát-na ]
free (of charge)

Examples of "Free" in Russian

  • На́ши са́йты предоставля́ют возмо́жность учи́ть ру́сский язы́к беспла́тно.

    ná-shee sáî-ty pree-das-tav-lýa-yut vaz-mózh-nast' u-cheet' rús-keeî ya-zýk bees-plát-na

    Our sites provide the opportunity to learn Russian for free.

  • Им разреши́ли пройти́ на конце́рт беспла́тно.

    eem paz-ree-shée-lee praî-tee na kan-tsert bees-plát-na

    They were allowed to go to the concert for free.

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Same stem words

to pay, to pay off, to settle accounts
to pay
поплати́ться [pa-pla-tée-tsa] Verb
to pay for something one has done
зарпла́та [zar-plá-ta] Noun , feminine , short from за́работная пла́та
wages, salary

Additional examples

More Russian sentences with the words that contain "бесплатн".

  • От метро́ до вы́ставочного це́нтра хо́дит беспла́тный авто́бус.

    at meet-ró da výs-ta-vach-na-va tsént-ra hó-deet bees-plát-nyî av-tó-bus

    There is a free shuttle bus that goes from the metro to the exhibition center.

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