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Russian word of the day: Товар

Jun 02, 2022 (see all)
[ ta-vár ]
Noun , masculine
article (of trade), product, commodity

Morphemic analysis

root: товар


  • Для того́, что́бы прода́ть свою́ проду́кцию, они́ завыша́ют потреби́тельские ка́чества това́ра, скрыва́я его́ недоста́тки.

    dlya ta-vó, chtó-by pra-dát' sva-yú pra-dúk-tsee-yu, a-née za-vy-shá-yut pa-tree-bée-teel's-kee-ye ká-cheest-va ta-vá-ra, skry-vá-ya ye-vó nee-das-tát-kee

    In order to sell their products, they overestimate the consumer qualities of the goods hiding their shortcomings.

  • Това́рами пе́рвой необходи́мости при́нято называ́ть таки́е, потребле́ние кото́рых при измене́нии дохо́да суще́ственно не меня́ется.

    ta-vá-ra-mee pyér-vaî nee-ap-ha-dée-mas-tee prée-nee-ta na-zy-vát' ta-kée-ye, pat-reeb-lyé-nee-ye ka-tó-ryh pree eez-mee-nyé-nee-ee da-hó-da su-schyést-vee-na nye mee-nyá-ee-tsa

    Essential goods are those whose consumption does not change significantly with a change in income.

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Declension of the word товар

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. това́р това́ры
Genitive Gen. това́ра това́ров
Dative Dat. това́ру това́рам
Accusative Acc. това́р това́ры
Instrumental Inst. това́ром това́рами
Prepositional Prep. това́ре това́рах

Additional examples

  • В э́том интерне́т-магази́не мо́жно приобрести́ това́ры о́птом и в ро́зницу.

    v é-tam een-ter-nét ma-ga-zée-nye mózh-na pree-ab-rees-tée ta-vá-ry óp-tam ee v róz-nee-tsu

    In this online store you can buy goods wholesale and retail.

  • Сохрани́те чек, е́сли вы хоти́те име́ть возмо́жность обменя́ть това́р.

    sah-ra-née-tye chyek, yés-lee vy ha-tée-tye ee-myét' vaz-mózh-nast' ab-mee-nyát' ta-vár

    Keep the receipt if you want to be able to exchange the item.

  • Това́ры на э́том прила́вке уценены́ и́з-за произво́дственного бра́ка.

    ta-vá-ry na é-tam pree-láf-kye u-tse-nye-ný eez-za pra-eez-vódst-veen-na-va brá-ka

    The goods on this counter are discounted because of the spoilage in production.

  • Шу́бу лу́чше покупа́ть ле́том, когда́ це́нники на зи́мние това́ры в магази́нах сни́жены.

    shú-bu lúch-she pa-ku-pát' lyé-tam, kag-dá tsén-nee-kee na zéem-nee-ye ta-vá-ry v ma-ga-zée-nah snée-zhee-ny

    It is better to buy a fur coat in the summer, when the prices for winter clothes in stores are reduced.

  • Магази́н предлага́ет широ́кий ассортиме́нт това́ров для дете́й.

    ma-ga-zéen preed-la-gá-eet shee-ró-keeî a-sar-tee-myént ta-vá-raf dlya dee-tyéî

    The store offers a wide range of products for children.

  • Брако́ванные това́ры на́до бу́дет верну́ть поставщику́.

    bra-kó-van-ny-ye ta-vá-ry ná-da bú-deet veer-nút' pas-taf-schee-kú

    Defective goods will have to be returned to the supplier.

  • На це́ннике напи́сано, что э́то това́р со ски́дкой.

    na tsén-nee-kye na-pée-sa-na chto é-ta ta-vár sa skéet-kaî

    The price tag says that this is a discounted item.

  • Э́тот това́р вре́менно отсу́тствует на скла́де.

    é-tat ta-vár vryé-meen-na at-sútst-vu-yet na sklá-dye

    This item is temporarily out of stock.

  • Покупа́тель обя́зан уплати́ть предусмо́тренную догово́ром ку́пли-прода́жи це́ну това́ра.

    pa-ku-pá-teel' a-byá-zan ap-la-téet' pree-dus-mót-reen-nu-yu da-ga-vó-ram kúp-lee-pra-dá-zhee tsé-nu ta-vá-ra

    The buyer is obliged to pay the price of the goods stipulated in the contract of sale.

  • Здесь есть това́ры на любо́й, да́же са́мый приди́рчивый вкус.

    zdyes' yest' ta-vá-ry na lyu-bóî, dá-zhe sá-myî pree-déer-chee-vyî fkus

    Here, there are products for every, even the most picky taste.

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4 thoughts on “Товар

  1. Hello, in the first example, can ‘Для того́’ be omitted? In the second example, why is кото́рых in genitive? and the meaning of ‘таки́е’? Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Anita,

      – Yes, для того can be omitted.

      – Because it is related to the word потребление. Translated literally it would be “consumption of which” which is a good indicator of the Genitive case.

      – Unlike English, in Russian you have to structure it this way, it is an equivalent of “such”. Translated literally it would be something like this: It is customary to call essential goods such (goods) consumption of which…

      • I was under the impression that кото́рых and other forms of который always starts a new clause after a comma, so that wasn’t the case?
        After таки́е, there is no need to put това́ры because a form of това́р (Това́рами in this case) already appears before it, is it so?
        Very often the order of words in Russian confuses me.

        • Learn Russian Words says:

          Который: It’s not the case, such structures as above are less common but totally possible.

          Такие: Yes, it is so. In complex sentences такой/такие often are at the end of main sentence and followed by comma, after which a subordinate clause starts.

          Order of words: It’s understandable, especially in a complex sentence. One step at a time, you will get more practice and it will be less confusing. 🙂

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