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Russian word of the day: Занять

Jun 11, 2017 (see all)
[ za-nyát' ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative, Dative, Genitive
Imperfective - занима́ть (see below)
to occupy; to borrow

The imperfective aspect

to occupy, to take up; to borrow


  • Э́то за́няло у меня́ 2 ча́са.

    é-ta zá-nya-la u mee-nyá dva cha-sá

    It took me 2 hours.

  • Займи́ мне ме́сто, пожа́луйста.

    zai-mée mnye myés-ta, pa-zhá-lus-ta

    Take a seat for me please.

Russian Pod 101

Same stem words

за́нято [zá-nee-ta] Adverb
busy, occupied
to occupy oneself, to get busy, to engage

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