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Russian word of the day: Занимать

Apr 29, 2017 (see all)
[ za-nee-mát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - заня́ть (see below)
to occupy, to take up; to borrow

The perfective aspect

to occupy; to borrow


  • Доро́га до рабо́ты занима́ет у меня́ тридцать мину́т.

    da-ró-ga do ra-bó-ty za-nee-má-yet u mee-nya tree-tsat' mee-nút

    It takes me thirty minutes to get to work.

  • Он постоя́нно занима́ет у всех де́ньги.

    on pas-ta-yán-na za-nee-má-eet u fsyeh dyén'-gee

    He always borrows money from everyone.

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Same stem words

to be busy with, to deal, to practice, to be engaged/involved, to study

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