Czar - Meaning in Russian

Czar is the main title of the Russian monarchs (when the monarchy existed in Russia). Sometimes it is written in English as tsar or tzar.

In Russian, it is written царь.

Starting from the czar Peter the Great, Russia became an empire and czars started to be called emperors. However, the term czar stayed and continued to be commonly used.

The main Russian royal dynasty is Romanovs which first came to power in 1596. Although Romanov’s direct bloodline was interrupted in 1762, when Empress Elizabeth, having no children, appointed her sister’s son as her successor. After the death of Elizabeth he became the Russian Emperor Peter III. He came from the bloodline Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovs. His descendants in Russia were still called the Romanov dynasty.

The last czar of Russia was Nicholas II. After the Revolution of 1917, Nicholas, his wife and their five children were brutally killed by the Bolsheviks. Their remains were only found in 1991. After several years of expertise, a special commission concluded that the remains indeed belong to the last Russian czar Nicholas II and his family.

Listen to the word "czar" in Russian


[tsar'] Noun , masculine
tsar, czar, tzar; king, ruler

Examples of "czar"

  • Царь - э́то основно́й ти́тул мона́рхов Ру́сского госуда́рства с 1547-го по 1721-й год.

    tsar éta asnavnóî téetul manárhaf rúskava gasudárstvá c týsyacha peet'sót sórak seed'móva pa týsyacha seem'sót dvátsat' pyérvyî got

    Czar is the main title of the monarchs of the Russian state from 1547 to 1721.

  • Пе́рвым царём дина́стии Романовых стал Михаи́л Фёдорович Рома́нов в 1596-м году.

    pyérvym tsaryóm deenásteeee ramánavyh stal meehaéel fyódaravich ramánaf f tysyacha peet'sót deeveenósta sheestóm gadú

    The first czar of the Romanov dynasty was Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov in 1596.

  • Царь прояви́л милосе́рдие и поми́ловал аресто́ванных.

    tsar' praeevéel meelasyérdeeye ee paméelaval areestóvannyh

    The tsar showed mercy and pardoned those arrested.

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