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"Wonderful" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Oct 14, 2020 (see all)
[ chu-dyés-nyî ]
wonderful, miraculous, lovely, beautiful, marvellous
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Wonderful" in Russian

  • Чуде́сные лю́ди, на́ши сосе́ди, с ни́ми всегда́ интере́сно.

    chu-dyés-ny-ye lyú-dee, na-shee sa-syé-dee, s née-mee fseeg-dá een-tee-ryés-na

    Our neighbors are wonderful people, it's always interesting in their company.

  • Пого́да кака́я чуде́сная, пошли́ погуля́ем?

    pa-gó-da ka-ká-ya chu-dyés-na-ya, pash-lée pa-gu-lyá-eem

    What wonderful weather, let's go for a walk?

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Same stem words

причу́дливый [pree-chúd-lee-vyî] Adjective
quaint, intricate, bizarre, whimsical

Additional examples

More Russian sentences with the words that contain "чудесн".

  • Ве́чером они́ сходи́ли в рестора́н и чуде́сно провели́ вре́мя, наслажда́ясь о́бществом друг дру́га.

    vyé-chee-ram a-nee sha-dée-lee v rees-ta-rán ee chu-dyés-na pra-vee-lee vryé-mya, nas-lazh-dá-yas' ób-scheest-vam druk drú-ga

    In the evening, they went to a restaurant and had a wonderful time enjoying each other's company.

  • Пого́да сего́дня про́сто чуде́сная.

    pa-gó-da see-vód-nya prós-ta chu-dyés-na-ya

    The weather today is just wonderful.

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