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Russian word of the day: Ушастый

Oct 01, 2017 (see all)
[ u-shás-tyi ]


  • Смотри́, како́й уша́стый зверёк!

    smat-rée ka-kói u-shás-tyi zvee-ryók

    Look, what a big-eared little animal!

  • Из-по́д кре́сла вы́лезла уша́стая соба́ка.

    ees-pat kryés-la vý-leez-la u-shás-ta-ya sa-bá-ka

    A long-eared dog crawled out from under the armchair.

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Same stem words

уша́нка [u-shán-ka] Noun , feminine
ushanka, ear-flaps hat
нау́шники [na-úsh-nee-kee] Noun , plural
headphones, earphones
у́хо [ú-ha] Noun , neuter

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