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Russian word of the day: Становиться

Jul 06, 2020 (see all)
[ sta-na-vée-tsa ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Instumental
Perfective - стать (see below)
to stand, to take one's stand; to become, to grow, to get

The perfective aspect

to become


  • Жара́ станови́лась невыноси́мой.

    zha-rá sta-na-vée-las' nee-vy-na-sée-maî

    The heat was becoming unbearable.

  • Чем ста́рше стано́вишься, тем трудне́е вы́учить друго́й язы́к.

    chyem stár-she sta-nó-veesh-sya, tyem tryd-née-ye vý-u-cheet' dru-góî ya-zýk

    The older you get, the more difficult it is to learn another language.

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