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Russian word of the day: Расписаться

Aug 07, 2020 (see all)
[ ras-pee-sá-tsa ]
Verb , perfective
Imperfective - распи́сываться
to sign; to register one's marriage


  • Они́ расписа́лись по́сле двух ме́сяцев знако́мства.

    a-née ras-pee-sá-lees' pós-lye dvuh myé-sya-tsef zna-kómst-va

    They got married two months after they first met.

  • Распиши́тесь здесь, пожа́луйста.

    ras-pee-shée-tyes' zdyes', pa-zhá-lus-ta

    Sign here, please.

Same stem words

to write down, to record, to take notes
по́дпись [pót-pees'] Noun , feminine
to write
to write
to copy off, to crib

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