10 Russian adjectives describing size

Aug 13, 2020 | Russian audio vocabulary

How often do you find yourself talking about sizes of objects around you? Do you know how to say in Russian that something is big, small, huge, or tiny?

Today, we offer you to learn (or repeat) 10 Russian adjectives describing size.

Don’t forget that the initial form of adjectives in the Russian language is masculine. In order to use them with feminine and neuter nouns, as well as with nouns in plural, you need to change their endings.

If you are not familiar with the grammar of Russian adjectives and how they change their endings in gender, number and different cases, we recommend you to study these links:

Russian adjectives
Declension of Russian adjectives

At the end of the post, there is a link to flashcards.

Russian words describing size

big, large
little, small
ни́зкий [néezkeeî] Adjective
low, short
high, tall
huge, vast, enormous, tremendous
у́зкий [úskeeî] Adjective
narrow, tight
широ́кий [sheerókeeî] Adjective
wide, broad
long, lengthy
short (length)

Practice with examples

  • Больша́я про́сьба не шуме́ть в аудито́рии!

    bal'sháya prós'ba nye shumyét' v audeetóreeee

    Please do not to make noise in the lecture hall!

  • Здесь большо́й вы́бор овоще́й и дёшево.

    zdyes' bal'shóî výbar avaschyéî ee dyósheva

    There is a wide choice of vegetables here and they are cheap.

  • Назва́ния языко́в в ру́сском пи́шутся с ма́ленькой бу́квы.

    nazváneeya yazykóf v rúskam péeshutsa s máleen'kaî búkvy

    The names of the languages in Russian are written with lowercase.

  • У неё тро́е дете́й, са́мому ма́ленькому 4 го́да.

    u neeyó tróye deetyéî, sámamu máleen'kamu cheetýrye góda

    She has three children, the youngest is 4 years old.

  • На э́том ры́нке са́мые ни́зкие це́ны в го́роде.

    na étam rýnkye sámyye néeskeeye tsény v góradye

    The lowest prices in the city are in this market.

  • Потолки́ в кварти́ре бы́ли о́чень ни́зкими.

    patalkée v kvartéerye býlee ocheen' néezkeemee

    The ceilings in the apartment were very low.

  • У ба́бушки высо́кое давле́ние.

    u bábushkee vysókaye davlýeneeye

    Grandma has high blood pressure.

  • Норве́гия - э́то страна́ с одни́м из са́мых высо́ких у́ровней жи́зни.

    narvyégeeya éta straná s adnéem eez sámyh vysókeeh úravnyeî zhéeznee

    Norway is a country with one of the highest living standards.

  • В не́бе свети́ла огро́мная жёлтая луна́.

    v nyébye sveetéela ogrómnaya zhyóltaya luná

    A huge yellow moon was shining in the sky.

  • Кни́га произвела́ на меня́ огро́мное впечатле́ние.

    knéega praeezveelá na meenyá agrómnaye fpeecheetlýeneeye

    The book made a huge impression on me.

  • У него́ чрезвыча́йно у́зкий кругозо́р.

    u neevó chreezvycháîna úskeeî krugazór

    He has an extremely narrow mental outlook. (He is extremely narrow-minded.)

  • На ней была́ бе́лая блу́зка и чёрная ю́бка в скла́дку.

    na nyeî bylá byélaya blúska ee chyórnaya yúpka f sklátku

    She was wearing a white blouse and a black pleated skirt.

  • Магази́н предлага́ет широ́кий ассортиме́нт това́ров для дете́й.

    magazéen preedlagáeet sheerókeeî asarteemyént taváraf dlya deetyéî

    The store offers a wide range of products for children.

  • Он шёл широ́ким ша́гом.

    on shyol sheerókeem shágam

    He walked with a wide stride.

  • С земли́ звёзды ка́жутся таки́ми кро́шечными.

    s zeemlée zvyózdy kázhutsa takéemee króshechnymee

    From Earth, the stars look so tiny.

  • Да́же кро́шечная снежи́нка име́ет в свое́й структу́ре математи́ческую осно́ву.

    dázhe króshechnaya sneezhéenka eemyéyet f svayéî struktútye mateematéecheeskuyu asnóvu

    Even a tiny snowflake has a mathematical basis in its structure.

  • У неё бы́ли дли́нные во́лосы.

    u neeyó bylee dléennyye vólasy

    She had long hair.

  • У тебя́ сли́шком дли́нный язы́к.

    u teebyá sléeshkam dléennyî yazýk

    You talk too much. (Lit.: You have a very long tongue.)

  • Тебе́ о́чень идёт коро́ткая стри́жка.

    teebyé ócheen' eedyót karótkaya stréeshka

    A short haircut suits you very well.

  • Пробле́ма в том, что у люде́й сли́шком коро́ткая па́мять.

    prablyéma f tom, chto u lyudyéî sléeshkam karótkaya pámyat'

    The problem is that people have too short memory.

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