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How to say 

"Get married" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Oct 02, 2018 (see all)
[ zhee-née-tsa ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Prepositional
Imperfective - пожени́ться (see below)
to get married

The imperfective aspect

Useful information

In Russian, "жениться" is used when talking about men or couples. When talking about women, you should use "выйти замуж".

"Жениться" is a perfective and imperfective verb at the same time. It's more often used as perfective. Example of this verb as imperfective:

- Они́ жени́лись под откры́тым не́бом.
- They were getting married under an open sky.

Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Get married" in Russian

  • Ты когда́ успе́л жени́ться?

    ty kag-dá us-pyél zhee-née-tsa

    When did you have time to get married?

  • Он жени́лся год наза́д.

    on zhee-néel-sya got na-zát

    He got married a year ago.

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Same stem words

молодожёны [ma-la-da-zhó-ny] Noun , plural
newly wedded / married couple
же́нщина [zhén-schee-na] Noun , feminine
жени́х [zhe-néeh] Noun , masculine
fiance, bridegroom, suiter, admirer
пожени́ться [pa-zhee-née-tsa] Verb , perfective
to get married
жена́ [zhee-ná] Noun , feminine

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