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Russian word of the day: Копаться

Apr 19, 2017 (see all)
[ ka-pá-tsa ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Prepositional
Perfective - прокопа́ться
to dig; to probe; to dawdle


  • Ну что ты там копа́ешься?

    nu chto ty tam ka-pá-eesh-sya

    Why are you so long? (Over what are you dawdling there?)

  • Де́ти копа́лись в песке́.

    dyé-tee ka-pá-lees' f pees-kyé

    Children were playing in the sand.

Same stem words

to dig out, to dig up
to dig; (под кого-то) to plot against someone

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