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How to say 

"To dig" in Russian

Russian word of the day | May 25, 2022 (see all)
[ ka-pát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - вы́копать, откопа́ть
to dig; (под кого-то) to plot against someone

Morphemic analysis

root: коп
suffix: а
ending: ть

Useful information

When it comes to potatoes, regardless of whether you are going to plant or harvest them, it is common to say "to dig potatoes".

Russian Pod 101

Examples of "To dig" in Russian

  • За́втра мы е́дем на да́чу копа́ть карто́шку.

    záft-ra my yé-deem na dá-chu ka-pát' kar-tósh-ku

    Tomorrow we are going to the dacha to plant potatoes.

  • Его́ компаньо́н копа́ет под него́.

    ye-vó kam-pan'-yón ka-pá-eet pad nee-vó

    His companion is plotting against him.

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Same stem words

to dig out, to dig up
to dig; to probe; to dawdle

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