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How to say 

"To dig out" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 24, 2022 (see all)
[ vy-ká-py-vat' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative, Genitive
Perfective - вы́копать
to dig out, to dig up

Morphemic analysis

prefix: вы
root: кап
suffix: ыва
ending: ть

Examples of "To dig out" in Russian

  • По́сле того́, как ни́жние ли́стья у чеснока́ пожелте́ли, его́ мо́жно выка́пывать.

    pós-lye ta-vó, kak néezh-nee-ye léest'-ya u chees-na-ka pa-zheel-tyé-lee, ye-vó mózh-na vy-ká-py-vat'

    After the lower leaves of the garlic have turned yellow, it can be dug up.

  • С наступле́нием за́морозков расте́ние выка́пывают из земли́, обреза́ют ко́рни и помеща́ют в горшо́к.

    s nas-tu-plyé-nee-yem zá-ma-ras-kaf ras-tyé-nee-ye vy-ká-py-va-yut eez zeem-lée, ab-ree-zá-yut kór-nee ee pa-mee-schá-yut v gar-shók

    With the onset of frost, the plant is dug out of the ground, its roots are cut off, and it is placed in a pot.

    Lit.: With the onset of frost, (they) dig the plant out of the ground, cut off (its) roots, and place (it) in a pot.

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Same stem words

to dig; (под кого-то) to plot against someone
to dig; to probe; to dawdle

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