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Blin - Meaning in Russian

Russian word of the day | May 02, 2018 (see all)
[ bleen ]
Noun , masculine, plural - блины́
pancake, blin; (slang) damn it!

Interesting information about the word "blin"

Blin is the mildest Russian swear word. Even children are allowed to use it.

Literally blin means pancake. But most often blin is used as an euphemism for a very rude Russian word "blyat". In that sense, it expresses a wide range of emotions, mostly negative: disappointment, frustration or distress. The closest translation to that would be damn!

If you like, you can learn more about how to make Russian blini here.

Examples of "Blin" in Russian

  • Пе́рвый блин комом. (ру́сская погово́рка)

    pyér-vyî bleen kó-mam

    ≈ It's the first step that is troublesome. / You must spoil before you spin. (russian proverb, lit. - The first blin comes out lumpy.)

  • Блин, ну ско́лько мо́жно повторя́ть одно́ и то же!

    bleen, nu skól'-ka mózh-na pav-ta-ryát' ad-nó ee to zhe

    Damn it, how many times do I have to repeat the same thing?!

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Declension of the word блин

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. блин блины́
Genitive Gen. блина́ блино́в
Dative Dat. блину́ блина́м
Accusative Acc. блин блины́
Instrumental Inst. блино́м блина́ми
Prepositional Prep. блине́ блина́х

Additional examples

  • Го́сти уплета́ли блины́ за о́бе щёки.

    gós-tee up-lee-tá-lee blee-ný za ó-bee schyó-kee

    The guests were gobbling down the blini (were eating greedily behind both cheeks).

  • Де́ти уплета́ли блины́ так, что за уша́ми треща́ло.

    dyé-tee up-lee-tá-lee blee-ný tak, chto za u-shá-mee tree-schá-la

    Children were eating blini greedily.

  • Её кру́глое, как блин, лицо́ дополня́ли кру́глые же очки́ с то́лстыми стёклами.

    ye-yó krúg-la-ye, kak bleen, lee-tsó da-pal-nyá-lee krúg-ly-ye zhe ach-kée s tóls-ty-mee styók-la-mee

    Her face, round as a pancake, was complemented by round glasses with thick lenses.

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