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"Unawares" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 24, 2018 (see all)
[ vrasp-lóh ]
unawares, unexpectedly, by surprise
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Unawares" in Russian

  • Он заста́л меня́ враспло́х.

    on zas-tál mee-nyá vrasp-lóh

    He took me by surprise.

  • Захва́ченный враспло́х, он не успе́л сообрази́ть что происхо́дит.

    za-hvá-chyen-nyî vrasp-lóh, on nye us-pyél sa-ab-ra-zéet' chto pra-ees-hó-deet

    Captured unawares, he did not have time to figure out what was happening.

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