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Russian word of the day: Бросить

Apr 28, 2021 (see all)
[ bró-seet' ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative
Imperfective - броса́ть (see below)
to throw, to drop; to abandon; to stop / quit

The imperfective aspect

to throw, to drop; to abandon, to leave; to give up, to stop, to quit


  • Когда́ ты уже́ бро́сишь кури́ть?

    kag-dá ty u-zhé bró-seesh' ku-réet'

    When will you finally quit smoking?

  • Он бро́сил на меня́ вопроси́тельный взгляд.

    on bró-seel na mee-nyá va-pra-sée-teel'-nyî vzglyát

    He gave me a questioning look.

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2 thoughts on “Бросить

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Anita,

      I guess a better translation for уже in this case is “finally”.

      Adding уже to a question “when?” gives it a sense of “I can’t wait for it to happen”:

      – Ну когда мы уже приедем?
      When will we finally get there? (How long do we still need to be on the road? I can’t wait to arrive.)

      – Когда ты уже научишься за собой убирать?
      When will you finally learn to clean up after yourself?

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