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How to say 

"To plant" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 29, 2022 (see all)
[ sa-zhát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - посади́ть (see below)
to plant; to seat, to offer a seat; to put in jail

Morphemic analysis

root: саж
suffix: а
ending: ть

The perfective aspect

to plant; to lock up; to seat, to place

Examples of "To plant" in Russian

  • При шко́ле бы́ло подсо́бное хозя́йство, где ученики́ весно́й сажа́ли карто́шку.

    pree shkó-lye bý-la pat-sób-na-ye ha-zyáîst-va, gdye u-chee-nee-kee vees-nóî sa-zhá-lee kar-tósh-ku

    The school had a subsidiary farm where students planted potatoes in the spring.

  • За таки́е ве́щи обы́чно сажа́ют.

    za ta-kée-ye vyé-schee a-bých-na sa-zhá-yut

    You can go to jail for that.

    Lit.: For such things they usually put you in jail.

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Same stem words

са́женец [sá-zhe-nyets] Noun , masculine
sapling, seedling, young plant

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