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Russian word of the day: Сожрать

Aug 11, 2017 (see all)
[ sazh-rát' ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative
Imperfective - сжира́ть
to gobble up, to eat greedily


  • Обжо́ра, ты сожра́л всё пече́нье!

    ab-zhó-ra, ty sazh-rál fsyo pee-chén'-ye

    You are a glutton, you have gobbled up all the cookies!

  • Кто сожра́л мой обе́д?

    kto sazh-rál moi a-byét?

    Who have eaten my lunch?

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Same stem words

обжо́ра [ab-zhó-ra] Noun , masculine or feminine
glutton, gormandizer

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2 thoughts on “Сожрать

  1. What is the difference between ´всё пече́нье´ and ´ все пече́нья´ to mean all the cookies? Can I say ты сожра́л все пече́нья? Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hello Anita,

      While the plural form of “печенье” exists, it is more common to use the singular form as if it was something uncountable (like milk, for example).

      So the only difference is that “всё печенье” is a more common way to say it, however both can be used and are correct.

      It is one of the oddities of the Russian language that has no logical explanation. 🙂

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