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Russian word of the day: Надо

May 26, 2018 (see all)
[ ná-da ]
(one) must, (one) need, it is necessary


  • Мне на́до уе́хать на па́ру дней.

    mnye ná-da u-yé-hat' na pá-ru dnyeî

    I need to leave for a couple of days.

  • Тебе́ что-нибу́дь на́до в апте́ке?

    tee-byé chto-nee-bút' ná-da v ap-tyé-kye

    Do you need anything in the pharmacy?

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Additional examples

More Russian sentences with the words that contain "надо".

  • Мне э́то начина́ет надоеда́ть!

    mnye é-ta na-chee-ná-eet na-da-ee-dát'

    I'm starting to get tired of this!

  • Ему́ во что бы то ни ста́ло на́до бы́ло где́-то найти́ кру́пную су́мму де́нег.

    ye-mú va chto by ta nee stá-la ná-da bý-la gdyé-ta náî-tee krúp-nu-yu súm-mu dyé-nyek

    He needed to find a large amount of money somewhere at all costs.

  • В голове́ у него́ крути́лась надое́дливая мело́дия, от кото́рой он не мог изба́виться с самого́ у́тра.

    v ga-la-vyé u nee-vó kru-tée-las' na-da-yéd-lee-va-ya mee-ló-dee-ya, at ka-tó-raî on nye mok eez-bá-vee-tsa s sa-ma-va ut-rá

    An annoying melody, which he could not get rid of from the very morning, played in his head.

  • Не на́до расстра́иваться и́з-за де́нег, они́ прихо́дят и ухо́дят.

    nye ná-da rast-rá-ee-va-tsa eez-za dyé-nyek, a-neé pree-hó-dyat ee u-hó-dyat

    No need to be upset about the money, it comes and goes.

  • Меня́ чуть то́ком не уда́рило. - Так тебе́ и на́до, не бу́дешь лезть куда́ не про́сят.

    mee-nyá chut' tó-kam nye u-dá-ree-la. - tak tee-byé ee ná-da, nye bú-deesh lyezt' ku-dá nye pró-syat

    I almost got electrocuted. - You asked for it, next time you won't go where you are not asked to.

  • Ну на́до же, как бы́стро бежит вре́мя!

    nu ná-da zhe, kak býst-ra bee-zhée-t vryé-mya

    My goodness, how fast the time flies!

  • Нам на́до найти́ спо́соб противостоя́ть э́тому безу́мию.

    nam ná-da naî-tée spó-sap pra-tee-va-sta-yát' é-ta-mu bee-zú-mee-yu

    We need to find a way to counter this madness.

  • Ну ещё чего́! А бо́льше вам ничего́ не на́до?

    nu ye-schó chee-vó! a ból'-she vam nee-chee-vó nye ná-da

    Pff, no way! Anything else I can help you with? (sarcastic)

  • На́до сро́чно где́-то раздобы́ть ещё де́нег.

    ná-da cróch-na gdye-ta raz-da-být' ye-schyó dyé-nyek

    We urgently need to find more money somewhere.

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2 thoughts on “Надо

  1. The sentences given as Examples for ONE new word are FULL of ALSO new words. So I don’t understand anything, and I don’t see how the exercise can be useful. Thank you.

    • Learn Russian Daily says:

      Hello Amy,

      Thanks for the comment.

      If you are an absolute beginner, this can be easily overwhelming, we understand. But as soon as you learn enough vocabulary to understand at least a part of the sencence, it becomes a very good daily practice. Don’t forget also to study the Russian grammar too, especially verb conjugation and grammatical cases, so you can understand why the words change their endings and make sense of these changes.

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