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How to say 

"Hi" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jan 09, 2018 (see all)
[ pree-vyét ]
hello, hi

Useful information

Привет is the most common way to say "hi" in Russian.

Привет is an informal greeting and can used only between friends, family and people of young age.

In formal situations, such as with people you don't know, with people older than you and with everybody you should be polite with, you should use здравствуйте (which is translated as "hello" in Russian).

There are also other ways to say "hi" in Russian. You can use the word салют which comes from the French "salut". However, it is much less common than привет.

Examples of "Hi" in Russian

  • Приве́т, как дела́?

    pree-vyét, kak dee-lá

    Hi, how are you?

  • Передава́й ему́ приве́т от меня́.

    pye-rye-da-váî ye-mú pree-vyét at mee-nyá

    Give him my regards. (Say hello to him from me.)

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Same stem words

to greet, to salute, to welcome, to hail
приве́тливый [pree-vyét-lee-vyî] Adjective
friendly, affable

Additional examples

More Russian sentences with the words that contain "привет".

  • Передава́й приве́т от нас всей семье́.

    pee-ree-da-váî pree-vyét at nas fsyeî seem'-yé

    Say hello from us to the whole family.

  • При ви́де папарацци она́ не ста́ла смуща́ться, a хо́лодно поприве́тствовала их же́стом.

    pree vée-dye pa-pa-rá-tsee a-ná nye stá-la smu-schá-tsa, a hó-lad-na pa-pree-vyét-stva-va-la eeh zhés-tam

    Having noticed the paparazzi she did not become confused but coldly greeted them with a gesture.

  • Мы никогда́ не разгова́риваем, но всегда́ приве́тствуем друг дру́га.

    my nee-kag-dá nye raz-ga-vá-ree-va-eem, no fseeg-dá pree-vyéts-tvu-eem druk drú-ga

    We never talk but we always greet each other.

  • Он встре́тил нас приве́тливым взгля́дом.

    on vstryé-teel nas pree-vyét-lee-vym vzglyá-dam

    He welcomed us with a friendly look.

  • Он был челове́ком приве́тливым, общи́тельным, располага́ющим к себе́ люде́й.

    on byl chee-la-vyé-kam pree-vyét-lee-vym, ap-schée-teel'-nym, ras-pa-la-gá-yu-scheem k see-byé lyu-dyéî

    He was a friendly, sociable, and likeable man.

  • Ми́ша передава́л тебе́ приве́т.

    mée-sha pee-ree-da-vál tee-byé pree-vyét

    Misha sent his regards (lit.: passed hello to you).

  • Мы ра́ды приве́тствовать всех вновь присоедини́вшихся.

    my rá-dy pree-vyéts-tva-vat' fsyeh vnof' pree-sa-ee-dee-néef-sheeh-sya

    We are happy to welcome all newcomers.

  • Каки́е приве́тливые у тебя́ сосе́ди.

    ka-kée-ye pree-vyét-lee-vy-ye u tee-byá sa-syé-dee

    What friendly neighbors you have.

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