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"Lucky" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Aug 02, 2018 (see all)
[ u-dách-lee-vyî ]
lucky (accompanied by good luck)
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Lucky" in Russian

  • Он счита́ет себя́ уда́чливым челове́ком.

    on schee-tá-eet see-byá u-dách-lee-vym chee-la-vyé-kam

    He considers himself a lucky man.

  • Са́мый уда́чливый игро́к полу́чит дополни́тельный приз.

    sá-myî u-dách-lee-vyî eeg-rók pa-lú-cheet da-pal-née-teel'-nyÎ prees

    The luckiest player will receive an additional prize.

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Same stem words

уда́чный [u-dách-nyî] Adjective
уда́ча [u-dá-cha] Noun , feminine
(good) luck, success, good fortune

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