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Russian word of the day: Восхитительный

Oct 27, 2020 (see all)
[ vas-hee-tée-teel'-nyî ]
delightful, admirable, heavenly, lovely, exquisite, delicious, glorious


  • Мы провели́ там восхити́тельную неде́лю.

    my pra-vee-lée tam vas-hee-tée-teel'-nu-yu nee-dyé-lyu

    We spent an amazing week there.

  • Э́то была́ восхити́тельная по свое́й простоте́ иде́я.

    é-ta by-lá vas-hee-tée-teel'-na-ya pa sva-yéî pras-ta-tyé ee-dyé-ya

    It was an idea amazing in its simplicity.

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