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Russian word of the day: Смутиться

Nov 26, 2020 (see all)
[ smu-tée-tsa ]
Verb , perfective
Imperfective - смуща́ться (see below)
to be embarrassed, to be confused, to be put out of countenance, to be perplexed

The imperfective aspect

to be embarrassed, confused; to experience awkwardness, shyness


  • Алёна слегка́ смути́лась под при́стальным взгля́дом окружа́ющих, но не подала́ ви́ду.

    a-lyó-na sleeh-ká smu-tée-las' pat prées-tal'-nym vzglyá-dam ak-ru-zhá-yu-scheeh, no nye pa-da-lá vée-du

    Alena was slightly embarrassed under the gaze of those around her, but did not show it.

  • Он не ожида́л на́шего визи́та и о́чень смути́лся.

    on nye a-zhee-dál ná-shee-va vee-zée-ta ee ó-cheen' smu-téel-sya

    He did not expect our visit and got very confused.

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