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Russian word of the day: Замахнуться

Jul 28, 2017 (see all)
[ za-mah-nú-tsa ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative, Instumental
Imperfective - зама́хиваться
to make to hit, to lift one's arm (against); to prepare for something difficult


  • Он замахну́лся на соба́ку па́лкой.

    on za-mah-núl-sya na sa-bá-ku pál-kai

    He lifted a stick againts the dog.

  • На́ши спортсме́ны замахну́лись на зо́лото.

    na-shee sparts-myé-ny za-mah-nú-lees' na zó-la-ta

    Our athletes are preparing to get the gold (medals).

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2 thoughts on “Замахнуться

    • Learn Russian Daily says:

      Hello Jim,

      Thank you for your comment.

      It’s a perfective verb, so it can only be used in the Past or in the Future tense, and out of both, the Past is the most used. This is why both examples are in the Past.

      There are two possible meanings of this verb:

      – if you замахнулся на кого-то, it means you lifted your arm (or your arm holding something else) against someone or ready to hit someone (we’ve corrected the tense for the English translation, here you were right).

      – if you замахнулся на что-то, it means you are planning to do that что-то, you took a challenge to do it. Since there is no direct translation in English for this case, the closest we found was the one we gave. If you can suggest something better, we’ll gladly add it to the site.

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