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Russian word of the day: Захотеть

Mar 20, 2017 (see all)
[ za-ha-tyét' ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative
Imperfective - хоте́ть (see below)
to want, to feel like; to wish

The imperfective aspect

to want


  • Де́ти не захоте́ли выходи́ть из ко́мнаты.

    dyé-tee nye za-ha-tyé-lee vy-ha-déet' ees kóm-na-ty

    The children did not want to get out of the room.

  • Пусть всё бу́дет так, как ты захо́чешь.

    pust' vsyo bú-deet tak kak ty za-hó-cheesh

    Let everything be as you want.

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Same stem words

охо́тно [a-hót-na] Adverb
willingly, gladly, with pleasure, readily
to feel like something/doing something
to feel like, to crave for

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