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Russian word of the day: Разношёрстный

Oct 26, 2021 (see all)
[ raz-na-shórst-nyÎ ]
(lit.) with different coats; variegated; motley, mixed
Russian Pod 101


  • Со́тня челове́к, что собра́лись в лекцио́нном за́ле, представля́ли собо́й весьма́ разношёрстное сбо́рище.

    sót-nya chee-la-vyék, chto sab-ra-lées' v leek-tsee-ón-nam zá-lye, preet-stav-lýa-lee sa-bóî vees'-má raz-na-shórst-na-ye sbó-ree-schye

    The hundred people gathered in the lecture hall were a very motley bunch.

  • Ка́ждый ве́чер в саду́ собира́лась разношёрстная гру́ппа люде́й, объединённых любо́вью к му́зыке.

    kázh-dyî vyé-cheer f sa-dú sa-bee-rá-las' raz-na-shórst-na-ya grú-pa lyu-dyéî, ab-yee-dee-nyón-nyh lyu-bóv'-yu k mú-zy-kye

    Every evening a motley group of people united by a love for music gathered in the garden.

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Same stem words

разноцве́тный [raz-na-tsvyét-nyî] Adjective
multicolored, of different colors

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2 thoughts on “Разношёрстный

  1. Hello, in the first example, why is собо́й in instrumental case? And in the second example, I don’t understand why объединённых is in genitive and then followed by любо́вью in accusative. Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Anita,

      Представлять собой is an expression (it is a synonym of являться and usually translated as “to be” or “to constitute”), so there is no particular grammar rule that explains собой being in Accusative, it just has to be memorized.

      Объединённых is related to людей, and since людей is in the Genitive, объединённых takes the Genitive too.

      As for любовью, it’s simple: объединнённых чем? – любовью. Любовь here is the tool that unites people.

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